
Saturday, April 21, 2018

Changing Majors, Transferring Schools, and A Lifestyle Change- A Genuine Life Update

             Hello Hello,

               It wasn't until I put my own two feet into it that I realized college really wasn't all that I thought it was going to be. In fact, it was the complete polar opposite of the experience I was expecting to have. Granted I'm only just now finishing my first year and I do agree that there is a lot more that could happen in the next three years to contribute to my experience, but this last year has been one of the most life changing, challenging and beautiful experiences I have ever had. All in one year I switched my college major and direction in life, changed my style and look, got to work with 3 different brands on collabs/photoshoots/projects (cool dream of mine), began a new full-time job, signed my first lease and filled out a transfer application to a new uni. It's been hectic.
               One of the best things I could have done was change my major. I grew up always thinking that nursing was the best, fastest, and easiest track I could do for myself in college. Don't be fooled, nursing is quite the challenge and it sure comes with it's load of work to keep up with. However, after months and months of unhappiness, boredom and lack of motivation to even go to my classes, I decided that I couldn't keep pretending that this was what I wanted to do. So hello hello, you're looking at your new psychology major! Being that my psychology classes were my most interesting lectures and the work associated with psychology was definitely something that always caught my attention, I finally chose to work in clinical psychology. My career and educational goals, for those asking, are to graduate with a bachelors of science in psychology and then attend medical school to get my PhD in clinical neuropsychology. I want to be able to open my own practice and work with children with mental health disorders. It's a long road ahead but it's one I'm looking forward to!
             One of the most common questions I get is about my current uni and where I'm planning on going to school. Being a big city European girl I quickly figured out that Denton, TX was not the place for me. After a lot of careful consideration and months of research, interviews and phone calls I have narrowed it down to two very different but amazing schools. You'll just have to wait until next semester to see where I choose to continue my education.
            Lastly, I wanted to share one of the biggest and most important things I have come to during my first year of college. I wasn't a big believer on the idea of "finding yourself" after high school. To be honest I didn't think much of it and thought the concept was silly up until everything that I believed in, routines that I had created, the lifestyle that I swore by and the goals I had created for myself had completely shattered. At first I was completely lost and had started to handle the dramatic changes in my life in all of the wrong ways. It wasn't until I started to piece things together and realize that maybe this was all happening because the lifestyle I was living just wasn't for me. It was clear that there was a lot I needed to improve on, new goals that I needed to set and I was in desperate need of a new mindset if I had any hopes on making it through the next couple of years. Don't get me wrong, I've had so many enjoyable and amazing memories this last year but I had finally realized that I just wasn't living up to my fullest potential. Thats when it's important to make the change.
      My advice to all new high school graduates and continuing college students is that it's incredibly important to put yourself first. You will get overwhelmed and you will be unprepared no matter how much you try and mentally prepare for the experience. My best words of wisdom is to come into the experience open-minded, ready for change, and most importantly to just not give up (cheesy I know but so true). So here's to us- the new grads, the continuing college students, and the ones who are done. May we all get those degrees and the career of our dreams!

xoxo, A


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